Do you feel sometimes exhausted and even frustrated because you make a lot of effort to manifest what you are dreaming of? Obsessing about it or being afraid that you were not focused enough throughout the day? I hear you!
I have done tons of manifesting meditations and repeating affirmations but often it felt more like a struggle or an action out of fear. My self-talk sounded like this: "What if I just manifested something negative? Omg, I feel so negative today- I am sure the Universe is responding now to my feelings of lack. All manifestation teachers seem to attract so easily and I am not always able to feel that I have already received my manifestations."
So the whole journey can create a lot of anxiety. I must admit I can be impatient, not flexible and overly ambitious which is not helpful at all to generate a feeling of inner peace and abundance! Can you relate? Social media posts of super creators could make me feel more like a failure than motivate me at times.
I finally decided to make fun my priority!
Each day in the morning I make the conscious decision in my prayer to surrender to God/ the Universe to enjoy my day, to trust our divine source to bring all that I want to manifest into my life at the right time.
We are limited in our wishes and desires while divine wisdom exactly knows the best outcome!
Many times I had stuff on my vision board I wanted badly but then I got something similar or different but so much better! I would not have been able to imagine that better experience before.
Focus on fun; repeat the words "thank you" whenever you start to obsess again about your manifestation and surrender! When you have a bad day show up for yourself with compassion, reconnect to God/the Universe, breathe, connect and relax– all is well!