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Just Be Yourself!

When I started working as a Life Coach I wanted to be every client’s darling. I felt I had to be able to inspire every client who was reaching out for my support. I thought I needed to be like a Chameleon to offer a tailor-made coaching style for every person.

Working with an Atheist I tried to give her my input gently and avoided talking about the Universe and God a lot to keep her going and improving her life quality. The lazy and frustrated client experienced smooth sessions with me where I tried not to be too enthusiastically motivating so that I wouldn’t hurt her feelings if I came across too pushy.

I did my best to be still myself, but I got exhausted. I knew that something was off.

It took me an entire year to be ready to change but ok - I know that things always happen in the right divine time. Finally, I was willing to look at the situation because I felt tired and unfulfilled. So what was the message when I meditated on this challenge and asked God with an open heart? Something simple, yet sometimes hard was the lesson to learn:

We have to be authentic!! I have to be me, and you have to be you!!

Be authentic and stick to it! If others don’t like your way- it is ok. You can’t and shouldn’t be everybody’s cup of tea! There are always people who will not relate to your personality, your beliefs, and your way of living. But hey, it’s ok!

You are unique, and the right people will resonate with your ideas, your work, your friendship, and your love.

The Universe will match you with the right people and experiences once you are aligned with the high energy of embracing who you really are!

It would be so boring if we all were the same, right?! God placed different purposes in our hearts for a reason! We are all meant to shine our lights in different ways. Knowing and being ourselves means that sometimes we cannot please all people in our lives, and we need to set healthy boundaries – but we still can be charming, understanding, and warm.

People will actually respect you even more and be inspired by your unique, pure & authentic confidence!

Get in touch for 1:1 Coaching or check out my self-paced Self-Study-Online Video-Course “How to love yourself” and click on the button below!

I teach you EFT tapping so you can finally overcome all blockages that are still holding you back to live up to your full potential. This Course will make you feel confident & self-loving in a healthy, empowering way! All exercises in the Workbook are highly effective and fun!

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