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Embrace your Emotions!

Updated: May 7, 2023

We need to feel the full range of our emotions!

love and feel your feelings

When we feel anxious we often look for a quick fix to change this odd feeling. We relax with the savory chocolate mousse, call a friend to get busy, have a drink, initiate a fight or do shopping - whatever helps us to distract from that odd feeling.

Society and social media are increasing the pressure that our lives should be an ongoing vacation with perfect relationships, tons of money and a body to die for.

Many coaches keep telling us that we ONLY need to focus on positive affirmations, and then we will be happy, successful and rich.

I believe this is PUTTING CREAM ON SHIT!

We need to listen to those bad feelings; our soul wants to tell us something important so we can heal.

By ignoring our fearful thoughts we are delaying our healing process! Denied emotions can lead to severe depression, burnout, high blood pressure and many other health problems in the long run. Medical research has proven that most diseases are the result of mental stress! Suppressed negative emotions and trauma are PURE STRESS and the opposite of Self-Love!

What we resist persist – be okay with not being okay all the time and sit with that feeling.

Connect to GOD/the Universe and ask: ” What am I supposed to learn here? What do I need to feel better?” The answer will come-I promise you!

That's why EFT tapping is my favorite technique!

EFT teaches us how to acknowledge, accept and transform our negative emotions to love, faith and joy. It was a lifesaver for me many times in my life and it can be for you!

Spiritual growth doesn't mean we are super-duper happy all the time- it means we feel safe to face our demons and bounce back faster with new positive energy!

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